Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sonogram Appointment

Yesterday, I had a sonogram appointment.  Baby is healthy and measuring at 20 weeks, right where he/she should be.

I edited the video to show the highlights.  The first part shows the legs and gives you ample time to guess boy or girl.  Then the gender is revealed as the technician types out boy or girl. Sorry that the video is kind of blurry after editing and shrinking to fit online.   After some more movement, the baby sticks his/her tongue out right around 2 minutes 28 seconds.  Try and see if you can make it out. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cassie is Officially Walking

Cassie has been taking steps for about 2 months, but just recently she has decided to stop crawling and walk instead! 

... and I guess you can post videos on Blogger again! 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Sand Box

The temperature was supposed to hit 80 degrees today.  I don't know if we made it, but it was hot in the sweat shop.  So much for a snowy winter.  At least we got a little bit of snow on Larry's Birthday. 

Anyway, today was Cassie's first sandbox adventure.  She was hesitant at first but eventually started to play.  At least she did not move off of her tea towel and her diaper was not full of sand. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Afternoon

A typical Sunday afternoon. I'm sewing, and this is what I see out of the window. Usually the neighbor boy is playing baseball or football, but I guess today he caught cowboy fever. Love the swinging the baseball cap while riding the cow, then jumping off.  Is this considered spying?  I hope not. 

...and here is what is going on downstairs.  Pure joy.

and a fake smile, although he is having lots of fun too. 

Should I be worried that she loves shoes?

Friday, March 9, 2012

Thursday Morning

Yesterday morning I was trying to get a few things accomplished before my Dr's appointment.   Nothing to worry about just a routine appointment and everything is fine.  I must be the most boring patient for my Dr.  Wesley asked if he could watch the Pioneer Woman cooking show.  Puzzled, I said ok.  Twenty minutes later I go downstairs and see this site: 

I guess Grandpa figured out after watching part of the cooking show that he wanted to see the cowboys and ranching scenes and not the cooking, so he did one better and put on a John Wayne movie.  You can't see it in the picture, but Wes has on his boots, size 5 jeans, (which are way too big for him, but the only ones that were clean) a shirt on backwards and inside out, and his hat.  A true cowboy at heart.