Friday, August 1, 2008

"A Few Household Chemicals in the Proper Proportions"

Thanks to all those who gave suggestions for getting the blue ink out of my carpet. The Queen of Clean really knows her stuff. Although you would think hairspray and alcohol is a weird combination, they did work together. I was able to get some of the ink out, but not nearly enough to make the carpet look ok. So I came to the conclusion that the only way to get rid of the blue was to stain the carpet a new color…hello bleach! Moral of the story, don’t wait seven months to remove a stain.


Ken said...

Maybe the new people will put their couch there too ;-) Glad you got some of it out anyway.

Leah said...

Bleach works wonders. After Tide-to-Go, it's my favorite cleaning product. Although after so many years in a chlorinated environment, maybe it's just because I like the smell ;-)